Welcome to INTERMOVE+ e-learning Platform

The e-learning platform is ready!

The INTERMOVE+ training contents are available 100% online through the e-learning platform. In other words, the INTERMOVE+ Training Toolkit on 6 modules for mobility beneficiaries is now offered through a technology‐enhanced learning environment.

There are two different sections on the e-learning platform:

  • Students: you can enrol yourself as a student, and then your profile will be managed by your trainer.
  • Trainers/facilitators: if you want to access to the trainers’ or facilitators’ section, please contact the administrator from your country. This administrator will change your student roll into a trainers’ one, so you will have the chance to manage your group of students/trainees.

You can access the platform here:

Imagen de <a href=”https://www.freepik.es/foto-gratis/arreglo-ruedas-dentadas-colores-endecha-plana_25629300.htm#query=skills&position=10&from_view=search&track=sph”>Freepik</a>